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Ruffed Grouse Algonquin Park, Ontario January 1990 |
Spruce Grouse Algonquin Park, Ontario January 1990 |
Spruce Grouse Algonquin Park, Ontario January 1990 |
Green Jay Bentzen Park Texas February 24, 1992 |
Great White Heron Honeymoon Island State Park Florida February 1999 |
Brown-crested Flycatcher Ft. DeSoto County Park Pinellas County, Florida March 25, 2010 |
Great Crested Flycatcher Rondeau Provincial Park Ontario May 12, 1992 |
Golden-fronted Woodpecker Texas February 1992 |
Black-crowned Night-Heron Honeymoon Island State Park Florida February 12, 2004 |
Eastern Screech-Owl Sawgrass Lake Park St. Petersburg, Florida April 3, 2004 |
Lapland Longspur - female Muskoka Highlands Golf Course Bracebridge, Ontario May 19, 2004 |