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Hooded Warbler Honeymoon Island State Park Dunedin, Florida April 11, 2007 |
Lesser Black-backed Gull Redington Shores Florida November 30, 2006 |
Northern Hawk Owl Derry Road Milton, Ontario December 1992 |
Brant Bracebridge Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario October 23, 2005 |
Solitary Sandpiper Wilson's Falls Bracebridge, Ontario August 26, 2005 |
Willet Dunedin Causeway Dunedin, Florida November 13, 2005 |
Dark-eyed Junco Prospect Lake Bracebridge, Ontario October 12, 2005 |
female Boat-tailed Grackle Largo Nature Centre Largo, Florida November 26, 2005 |
male Boat-tailed Grackle Largo Nature Centre Largo, Florida November 26, 2005 |
Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs Bracebridge Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 6, 2005 |
Northern Waterthrush Bracebridge Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 6, 2005 |