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Cedar Waxwing Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 24, 2002 |
Cedar Waxwing Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 24, 2002 |
Common Yellowthroat Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 24, 2002 |
Chestnut-sided Warbler Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 24, 2002 |
Dunlin Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 24, 2002 |
Mallard Duck with young Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 24, 2002 |
Wilson's Phalarope Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 25, 2002 |
Wilson's Phalarope Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 25, 2002 |
Wilson's Warbler Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 25, 2002 |
Semi-palmated Sandpiper Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons Bracebridge, Ontario May 25, 2002 |