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Wilf's Photographs

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photo of a Cliff Swallow at nest feeding young Cliff Swallow feeding young
nest on a house
Bracebridge, Ontario
July 2, 2002

photo of a Wilson's Snipe Wilson's Snipe
Rocksborough Road
Bracebridge, Ontario
July 2, 2002

photo of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Prospect Lake
Bracebridge, Ontario
May 25, 2002

photo of a Tennessee Warbler Tennessee Warbler
Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons
Bracebridge, Ontario
May 21, 2002

photo of Virginia Rail Virginia Rail
Bracebridge Sewage Lagoons
Bracebridge, Ontario
May 25, 2002

photo of Bonaparte's Gull Bonaparte's Gull
Honeymoon Island State Park
January 30, 2002

photo of a Great Horned Owlet eating a rabbit Great Horned Owlet
with a rabbit for lunch

Honeymoon Island State Park
April 17, 2002

photo of a Wilson's Phalarope Rusty Blackbird
Prospect Lake
Bracebridge, Ontario
September 29, 2001

photo of a Shiny Cowbird Shiny Cowbird
Fort DeSoto Park
April 27, 2001


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Photos are property of Wilf Yusek. Please ask permission if you wish to use them.